Office & Warehouse Development

25 October 2022
Office & Warehouse Development
Office and warehouse development

Since 1989, BHT office staff have operated out of one, then two, then three Portakabins. Having long been at maximum capacity, the team needed to expand further in order to meet growing demand. Rather than adding another kabin, the plunge was taken last year to invest in 21st century offices and additional warehouse capacity.

A year of design and development, followed by a 16 week build, the project has been part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. It was managed from start to finish by local Lincolnshire company APSS Ltd.

Andrew Henderson, British Hardwood Tree Nursery Managing Director, comments "I cannot recommend APSS Ltd highly enough. Very professional, with great customer service, they delivered on time and to budget."

He continued, "We already have a fantastic team here at BHT, but this development enables us to grow our team, whilst adding to our tree protection portfolio, both of which will help us meet the growth in demand for our bare root plants and products."

Office and warehouse development Office and warehouse development
Office and warehouse development Office and warehouse development
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